Jesus cosmetic line pulled from shelves in Singapore

A line of cosmetics called 'Lookin' Good for Jesus' has been banned in Singapore after Catholics there complained that it was disrespectful.

The line, which includes a hand cream, a body cream and a vanilla flavoured lip balm was sold in three retail outlets in Singapore, according to a report in The Straits Times. The line is made by American company Blue Q and was pulled from shelves after it was spotted by a number of customers at Wing Tai Holdings Topshop in the Garden state. Customer complaints led to withdrawal After the complaints the management said they withdrew the line from its store shelves as it said it did not want to offend its customers. One particular customer had complained in writing that the line 'trivialised' Jesus Christ, and stated further that some of the products even hinted at sexual attraction. Indeed, the 'virtuous vanilla lip balm' features a kitsch design of Jesus on the label, flanked by two seemingly adoring women and the phrase 'Get Tight with Christ'. Several quirky lines Blue Q carries a number of quirky personal care lines, including Total Bitch Moisturizing & Revitalizing lip balm and the Dirty Girl Every Day is a Spa day kit. In a similar vein, another US company, Soap-On-A-Rope Bath Boutique, also ran a line called Jesus Soap-On-A-Rope, which was available worldwide, but has since been discontinued.