Beauty Expo to highlight Asian Brand Building Lab

The China Beauty Expo will highlight innovation in new Asian brands with a dedicated floor area that will platform the latest launches thanks to a partnership with Centdegres.

The 20th edition of the China Beauty Expo will take place 19 – 21 May at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, and is billed as being the country’s biggest cosmetics industry event.

This year the organiser, Informa Exhibitions, has decided to partner with Paris-based Centdegres, which is one of the world’s leading design agencies in the field of luxury and premium international brands.

Specifically, the company has a rich history in the international beauty industry going back over 30 years, and also has expertise that has focused on the China market.

The Asian Brand Building Lab (ABBL)

Working alongside the organiser, the Centdegres team has come up with the Asian Brand Building Lab concept, which will play an important part in this year’s event and command a prime position on the show floor.

ABBL will serve to offer possibilities and opportunities for Asian beauty brands that want to stand out from the crowd and define themselves with identities and concepts that will give them the upper hand in this crowded and uber competitive category.

The floor space will be devoted to giving advice and guidance on image creation, advertisement positioning and retail strategies on WeChat, given by some of the world’s top products designers, as well as executives from international brands.

Beyond Beauty Trends 2015

Tying in with this feature of international beauty brand innovation, this year’s educational programme will also serve to highlight this crucial element of the industry.

This will be stressed by the first edition of the CBE – Beyond Beauty Trends 2015 dedicated conference programme, which will run during the course of the three day event.

Designed to showcase up and coming global beauty trends, the segment of the programme will include a number of top industry speakers, including experts from the Mintel Shanghai office, Beautystreams UK, Seyco, Firemenich and Pochet.