自 8 月开始,该公司将推出专为 50 岁及以上消费者开发的全新 Prior 抗皱凝胶。
9 月将推出全新怡丽丝尔 (Elixir) 系列抗老化护理产品。最终,资生堂将于 10 月推出全新 Bio Performance 系列 Skin Filler 产品。
欧莱雅声称,海南岛获拥“美容胜地”的美誉,因而在此地推出欧莱雅高端护肤产品组合中的最新“明珠”Takami 品牌最为合适。
该品牌将于 2023 年在中国热门度假胜地海南岛首次亮相免税店。
Takami 品牌的标志性肌底代谢美容水(又称为小蓝瓶)风靡亚洲,尤其是在中国。
雅诗兰黛公司已经制定了一项为期六个月的计划,旨在恢复因 2022 年上半年新冠疫情造成中断,从而在中国失去的市场份额。
First, it will focus on its high-end hair care brand Aveda, which launched on Tmall just last month and opened its first standalone store.
La Prairie to open 10 more stores in China by the end of 2022
Beiersdorf plans to expand La Prairie's offline presence in China with 10 additional touchpoints, as the brand rebounds strongly in a market ravaged by the pandemic.
It posted organic sales growth of 1.8% in the first half of the year and rose 17% in June, despite the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Based on the above performance background, the company intends to continue its expansion plan in China. Ten new stores will be opened by the end of 2022, nine of which will be located outside Beijing and Shanghai.