
By Amanda Lim

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我们集结了亚太区美容和个人护理市场的最新趋势,重点关注的内容包括Olive Young 的刮痧产品销售、后疫情时代的消费模式等。

2022 年上半年 Olive Young 面部刮痧产品销量增长六倍

Olive Young 的数据显示,上半年面部刮痧产品销量增长超过六倍,这表明美容消费者日益注重自我保健。

数据显示,今年前六个月,包括化妆、美发和美甲工具在内的美容配件销售额同比增长了 35%。

尤其是面部刮痧工具的销量暴涨了六倍以上。此外,Bioheal BOH Probioderm 提拉按摩仪位列美容工具品类的前五名。

资生堂旗下怡丽丝尔品牌与来赞达购物平台在东南亚扩张中协力推动 O2O 战略

日本美容巨头资生堂与东南亚电子商务公司来赞达 (Lazada) 合作,为护肤品牌怡丽丝尔 (Elixir) 设计了在当地的线上到线下扩张战略。

此前,该品牌于 4 月在来赞达的线上商城 LazMall 推出,这是其在东南亚实行线上优先战略的一部分。





Purchasing behavior: Demand for beauty retail premium products stabilizes despite post-pandemic spending reductions

Asian beauty consumers are more cautious in their spending behaviour, leading to lower shopping spending, but demand for premium products remains strong.

Despite spending less and less, wary shoppers are looking for higher-quality beauty products. As a result, demand for "buy now, pay later" services is high.

In the past period, consumers’ online demand has been suppressed, allowing brick-and-mortar stores to show encouraging signs of recovery. However, this is just the beginning.

India's Innovist launches Sunscoop to raise awareness of sun protection

Raising sun protection awareness among Indian consumers, especially on social media, could help Indian cosmetics brand Innovist enter the category.

Innovist sees rising demand for sunscreen products in India's domestic market. However, consumers generally do not understand the importance of daily sunscreen application.

Another obstacle to promoting sunscreen, he points out, is the debate on the safety of sunscreen that floods social media.

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