Regulation and efficacy the focus of in-cosmetics Asia educational programme

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This year’s in-cosmetics Asia will feature an educational programme designed to give manufacturers a practical insight into how they can tackle common obstacles and improve their formulations, whilst dealing with different regulations.

Cathy Laporte, Marketing Manager for in-cosmetics Asia said: "The Formulation workshops at in-cosmetics Asia have traditionally been extremely well-attended and have become an integral feature of the educational programme.”

“We have some very well-regarded experts lined-up to present so I would urge anyone involved in cosmetic formulation, experienced formulators or managers of cosmetic product development departments to book onto a workshop to ensure they get the most from their products in the long run."

Explanation of new regulations

The first workshop will be led by Stephen Weller, director of communications at the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) and will look into the complexities surrounding formulating with fragrances, taking a look at the world of fragrance regulation.

Dr Matthias Vey, scientific director at IFRA will also outline the latest developments on the Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) approach adopted by IFRA, offering an overview of the latest 46th Amendment to the IFRA Standards.

Dr Alain Khaiat from Seers Consulting will give manufacturers advice and guidance on how to evaluate test results to support the claims of cosmetic products.

"Consumers are more and more demanding when it comes to product efficacy data and regulators want to see supporting documents for the claims that are being made. R&D formulators therefore need to have more and better data to support the claims from ingredient suppliers or from their own testing,”​ explained Khaiat.

Fabrice Perin, Director at Spincontrol Asia will then go on to explain how cosmetics can improve the well-being and quality of life of consumers and Cecilia Li from Johnson & Johnson Asia Pacific Skin Testing Center will demonstrate how it is possible to achieve an attractive claim for whitening by using a multiplex clinical design.

Differences between markets

The final day will also see a workshop by Dr. Johann Wiechers from JW Solutions, who will explain how Asian products differ from their European counterparts and how it is possible to transform a successful European product into an equally successful Asian equivalent.

"There are so many factors to consider when formulating a cosmetic product that by the time it comes to the efficient delivery of an active ingredient, most formulators simply hope for the best,”​ he said.

“This hope-and-see mentality is not out of choice but because it is too difficult for most formulators to transform complex skin delivery theories into practical formulations. So this workshop will focus on how to get the most out of the active ingredient by using technology."

The four half-day workshops taking place from 3-4 November 2011 at the show, will examine issues surrounding claim support and efficacy testing, skin lightening, formulating with fragrances, sensory science and optimising cosmetic formulations digitally.

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