CIRS to host webinar on SFDA regulation of cosmetics in China

By Michelle Yeomans

- Last updated on GMT

CIRS to host webinar on SFDA regulation of cosmetics in China
The Chemical Inspection and Regulation Service has announced it will host a webinar on the 18th April on the latest updates regarding the China State Food and Drug Administration registration of cosmetics in China.

The independent firm that provides hazardous substance testing and regulatory consulting services say the event will focus on the latest updates of cosmetic regulations in China and assesses how those changes will impact the registration of cosmetics and cosmetic ingredients.

According to a CIRS spokesperson, manufacturers or distributors involved in exporting finished cosmetics or new cosmetic ingredients to China will benefit from tuning in.

This webinar will provide you with the necessary briefing on SFDA registration of cosmetics and in-depth intelligence on how these regulatory updates affect your business​.”  

Key issues

Throughout the one hour talk, CIRS are set to cover key issues that industry professionals are faced with when investing in the Chinese cosmetic market.

The firm will touch on everything from an overview of cosmetic regulations and updates since April 2011, how a company can determine if an ingredient is approved to be used, how to register cosmetics based on the new classifications and how to prepare a risk assessment report for ingredients as part of the registration dossier and new testing and labelling requirements.

SFDA committed to alternative cosmetic testing

Last month the SFDA issued a draft proposal for an alternative method to animal experiments when testing cosmetic ingredients for acute phototoxic effects on the skin.

The proposed ‘3T3 NRU phototoxicity test method’ has been deemed as the country’s first in vitro alternative test in the cosmetic field.

The new method is said to use Balb/c 3T3 fibroblast mouse cell line, neutral red and other testing materials to assess acute phototoxic effects of cosmetic ingredients on the skin.

The standard is said to have combined both international academic practice and realistic conditions of the domestic labs.


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