J&J launches ingredient transparency website as its products are questioned...

Related tags Consumer protection

The Johnson & Johnson Family of Consumer Companies has launched a website to allow consumers to see what goes into their ingredient selection and formulations. This comes after months of speculation into the safety of the company's products.

SafetyandCareCommitment.com is to include information about how ingredients are selected and evaluated, the latest science, new regulations and information on the company’s policies.  

"On this site, we’ll do our best to explain how we make the choices we make, and to show how our plans incorporate consumers’ feedback​," says Vice President, Susan Nettesheim.

In November of last year, the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics issued a public complaint putting pressure on the baby care giant​ having found that it had removed two potentially hazardous chemicals, 1,4-dioxane and quaternium-15, from products in many countries in Europe, Asia and Africa, but in the US, China and Canada, traces were still present.

In a letter responding to the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics at the time, J&J CEO Bill Weldon stated that the company plans to eliminate formaldehyde-releasing preservatives, such as quaternium-15, from hundreds of its baby products in the next two years.

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