Save the date for our 2017 Skincare Ingredients conference – June 21st
The event will go live on Wednesday June 21st, so that is one week from today. Make sure you sign up to the registration page and we will do the rest to remind you of when to log on and how the event is set to take to shape.
Appealing to skin care and cosmetics R&D experts, scientists, marketers, brand owners, formulators and more, this year we have put together a comprehensive webinar conference programme that will include an overview of the market and the latest developments in treating a variety of lifestyle factors that impact our skin’s health.
And here’s the conference programme…
First up, at 8am New York time, will be a webinar overviewing the skin care market, given by myself, Simon Pitman, with the benefit of data from leading market research companies Mintel and Kline Group.
I will be looking at the key trends that have been driving the market over the past year, including anti-pollution, the continued growth of natural and organic and men’s grooming, together with lifting the lid on top claims.
I will also be highlighting the top ingredient trends, going into more details about how recycled and biotechnology ingredients are evolving in the market place, the changing attitude to using water and the continued search for more effective and exotic ingredients, to name just a few.
Allowing your skin to follow its natural rhythm
At 8:45am New York time two experts from France-based biotech player CODIF will explain all about the company’s Technologie Naturelle active ingredients.
This presentation will be given by Gabrielle Moro, the division’s marketing manager and Pierre-Yves Moran, the division’s R&D director.
Together they will explain how the Technologie Naturelle portfolio tackles the impact a busy life and environmental hazards can have on skin and how the company’s solutions can help to tackle these issues.
A new approach to environmental stress
If you want to find out about the latest approaches to tackling environmental stress, then it will be a good idea to tune in to the Chemyunion webinar at 9:30am New York time.
Cristiane Pacheco, new business vice president and Patricia Moreira, skin care product manager will be guiding the audience of this webinar through solutions that tackle the stress impact that an urban environment has on the skin.
The company’s two experts will be taking the audience through a number of solution that design for inclusion in skin care formulations to protect the urban consumer and will be answering questions at the end of the presentation.
Roundtable discussion on probiotics in skincare
This roundtable will also be hosted by myself, Simon Pitman, and will include an esteemed panel of diverse expertise that includes Gay Timmons, founder of ingredients distribution company Oh Oh Organic, David Tyrrell, global skincare analyst at market research company Mintel and Allison Krebs-Bensch, founder of probiotic skin care line BeBe and Bella.
This discussion will take the form of a Q&A, with a set of questions geared towards the very different areas of expertise and experience that each of the speakers has in this new and emerging category.
The presentation will also include a number of shared opinions and will be wrapped up by each panellist explaining about what their take homes are from the discussion.
For more information on the full programme and how to register, please click here.