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DIY & customisation: Market evolution from West and East

By Natasha Spencer

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DIY & customisation: Market evolution from West and East

Related tags Human skin color

With DIY and customisation becoming huge buzzwords in 2017, we spoke to Florence Bernardin, Founder of Information & Inspiration about why this trend has really got off the ground now.

2017: the year of Do It Yourself beauty

The phenomenal rise in the number of beauty and personal care brands exploring the DIY and customisation trends in 2017 is as a “result of how quickly the up and coming indie brands react to new trends and also, in part, to the immense power of ‘online’ in the west”​, Florence Bernardin, Founder of Information & Inspiration, shared.

In addition, Bernardin said that “legal changes in Korea and the quest for new concepts in the east have also contributed to the continued growth of DIY and customised products”.

Flexibility: the turning point

Considering what was lacking before and why this year, the industry has seen a real push, Bernardin, commented that the real difference between then and now, in terms of customisation coming to the fore, is  flexibility: “We now have the flexibility, as well as a feeling of fun and excitement, around the industry, particularly in the make up segment.”

Brands are incorporating customisation into their product launches and portfolios through package customisation, which can be sold with refills in store. These are positioned along with other skin care brands in Asia that also have specific lines and services to go alongside customisation in beauty items.

Facing obstacles

The time that a brand’s product has on the shelf is the biggest obstacle that companies face when it comes to encouraging consumers to embrace customisation.

“Product safety also comes into it, depending on the preservatives within the formulation,”​ Bernardin added.

Stating another common issue affecting how a consumer may embrace customisation, Bernardin highlighted: “Consumers will also need to have a skin analysis performed to ascertain which products might work for their skin type and tone.”

Embracing the trend

From a consumer’s point of view, the main concerns relating to the adoption of the DIY and customisation beauty trend is the amount of time it can take to “master the look they want”.

This process consists of finding the right products, mixing the appropriate shade and mastering the use of the required ingredients.

As a result, “there are many adjustments needed and consumers need to have the patience to achieve their desired DIY beauty”,​ Bernardin shared.

Customisation has largely been played out by utilising technology such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI) and innovative design displays.

Looking ahead, this is set to continue across both in-store and online platforms, “as well as even more sophisticated interactive approaches that will come into play in the future”​, Bernardin concluded.

In-cosmetics Asia 2017

Florence Bernardin will present in the Marketing Trends & Regulations Theatre at in-cosmetics Asia, which takes place in Bangkok from 31 October – 2 November 2017.

Her session entitled ‘DIY & customisation – market evolution from West & East’ on Thursday 2nd November from 11.00-11:45am will explore how brands are creating new products and new beauty approaches and highlight the key trends and latest launches from both sides of the world. To find out more, visit asia.in-cosmetics.com.

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