Shiseido targets working females with virtual cosmetics app
Make up illusion
In partnership with Microsoft Japan, Shiseido launched its TeleBeauty app using software that creates the visual illusion that the user is wearing make up when using computer displays.
The app, geared towards women at work, aims to boost confidence when holding conference calls online via video by giving the impression that the user is wearing make up.
Whether in the office or working remotely, the software works by detecting facial features and then applying make up digitally for women in teleconferencing chats.
Feature detection
Once the software has detected facial features such as eyebrows, eyes, and mouth, it will superimpose various make up styles using Shiseido brands’ product ranges to provide its consumers with a suitable beauty look.
Increasingly, consumers have been demanding technology that helps to overcome the pressures of looking good during the working hours when holding video calls.
In particular, consumers are looking to overcome poor camera quality and lighting that reveals poor skin tone, dark circles and the visible appearance of pores.
For those living busy lifestyles, who want to avoid the pressures of using make up to maximise appearance, the app offers a convenient, easy to use and digitally progressive way of improving appearance and confidence through the illusion of wearing make up, without the time required for application.
Style selection
Shiseido’s R&D team has adopted virtual make up software, which has been installed on its existing tablet computers within its department stores and outlets.
The brands’ beauty advisors then utilise this technology to enable consumers to choose the make up style that suits their everyday choices and preferences.
Consumers are presented with four base patterns to choose from: natural, feminine, trends and cool.
In addition to this selection, the app is also able to increase the thickness of the make up applied, and make skin tone corrections that enhance certain areas of the face and reduce others.
Shiseido also aims to raise the profile of TeleBeauty through potentially pitching it to other companies striving to reform female style and convenience at work, Nikkei Asian Review reports.